Series + Workshops

  • Matters of the Heart

    Online Group Workshop, Across 3 Evenings

    This is a workshop to come together in community to connect with your innate wisdom as well as that of the collective. You can come with a specific question or challenge you’re living with or simply to experience some companionship in exploring what matters to you.

    The workshop will include a series of simple yet profound experiential exercises drawing from:

    - constellation & systemic work, to help tap into the knowing of the ‘field’

    - expressive arts, to help strengthen our relationship with the imaginal

    - presence & intuition practices, to help (re)connect with our core selves

    You’ll leave the workshop more aware of, and aligned with, who and what supports you – both inside and out.

    Cost: £115

    Dates: 24 February, 3 March, 10 March 2022

    (Autumn Dates TBC)

    Time: 8 – 9.30pm GMT

  • Re-Source Yourself

    6 Session Program, 1:1 Coaching

    In these times especially we may find ourselves in need of a little more support. This bespoke coaching program is designed for you to discover and take in more nourishment and gifts. You can focus on a particular area or topic in your life or might simply want a more generalised sense of alignment, wellbeing and aliveness.

    Coaching sessions will include a combination of: discussion & deep listening, experiential exercises, visualisations, simple body-based meditations and invitations to follow your creative process. We’ll co-create practices specific to you, making a unique “resource treasure map”.

    Cost: £495

    Time & Dates: Of Your Choosing

  • Kintsugi: Follow Your Golden Threads

    3 Session Program, 1:1 Coaching

    Taking inspiration from the Japanese art practice of Kintsugi this short duration coaching program works first with your so-called “broken pieces”: identifying and holding them, bringing attention to what still wants to be named or shared, and then putting them back together and spending time with this new configuration. The crucial last step is to add the gold to the “cracks”.

    This is an embodied process – you’ll be invited to make your own kintsugi inspired piece or collage and we’ll work together to explore what emerges. A surprisingly enjoyable and deep experience.

    Cost: £165

    Time & Dates: Of Your Choosing

  • Soul Soup

    A Monthly Gathering of Women

    For those of you who are women living in London, you’re invited to a cosy circle evening where we eat something simple and nourishing together and then have a short sharing before a guided meditation or visualisation.

    Where: Location in Kensal Rise (address given on registration)

    When: first Tuesday of every month, 7.45 to 9.15pm

    Please email or call me to register, places are limited.

    This event is free but we welcome a contribution if you enjoy Soul Soup. You can donate to local charity Body & Soul:

